
In order for a paper to be published, and/or exhibit a poster at 2016 UHE, at least one of the authors MUST pay the full registration fee before Oct 2nd, 2016 and attend the conference to present the paper. Payment fees and information can be found here.

Submissions should be sent by mail to

Facultad de Ingeniería
Blvd. Belisario Domínguez, Km.1081
Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, Mexico.

or by email to

- Papers

2016 UHE accepts the following types of papers:

Original Research Articles – text is limited to 15 pages.
Review Articles – text is limited to 20 pages.
Education Papers – text is limited to 10 pages.
Brief Technical Report – text is limited to 5 pages. There may be 2 figures or tables, and no more than 15 references.

Authors should consider the following sections in order to send their papers:

Title page

The title must be clear and precise. The title is limited to 15 words. The title page should include::

The name(s) of the author(s)
The affiliation(s) and address(es) of the author(s)
The e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding author


Please provide an abstract of 150 to 250 words. The abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references. It should include problem justification, objectives, methods, results, and conclusion.


Please provide 4 to 6 keywords which can be used for indexing purposes. These words should not have been used in the title.


Content should be related to the specific theme and purpose of the research. Authors should point out the problem and importance of the research and its objectives. Finally, introduction should be properly referenced.

Materials and Methods

It includes the research process. In other words, the study site, the materials or supplies, the methods, the techniques, and the experimental or observational designs that were used in the research.

Results and Discussion

This section should provide the results of research, and authors should point out the novelty of the research, and/or they should compare their approach (similarities or differences) with repect to other published researches.


Authors should express obtained research's conclusions. These should be related to the objectives of the work.

Figures and Tables

They should be inserted in the appropriate place of the manuscript. Images and tables should not exceed the size of a sheet. Pictures must be in grayscale. They should be in tiff 300 dot resolution format, and they should be submitted with the manuscript. The title of the pictures must contain the necessary information to understand them. with lowercase letters, except the initial and should not exceed 20 words. The format of the tables should not be closed on his right and his left, and only three horizontal lines are accepted as separators. The titles of the tables are placed between the first two horizontal lines, and the third one is placed in the bottom of the table. This serves as the table closure. In addition, tables are progressively numbered with Arabic numbers, as they are quoted in the text body. If necessary, authors can include footnotes in the tables. Footnotes should not exceed three lines. Authors should consider that the information contained in the pictures should not be duplicated in tables and viceversa.


Acknowledgments is the section to thank institutions, sponsors, and people that have supported, have helped, or have provided financial support for the research.


American Psychological Association (APA) style should be used. References should use capital letters, be left-aligned, and be in bold format.


The document should be a Microsoft Office document (.docx). Font should be 12-points Times New Roman.

An example of a paper can be downloaded here.
Word (.docx) template can be downloaded here.
All of the accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings of 2016 UHE; therefore, we ask the authors to download the transfer of copyright here.

- Poster

Poster are the graphic presentation of scientific works. It is a practical, efficient, and modern form of communication. In it, the most important aspects of the investigation are pointed out. Posters will be displayed in daily sessions to minutely analyze them, and participants can check them whenever it is necessary. Poster sessions also allow participants to meet the author and discuss his research.


  • Title: breve y atractivo, con no más de 15 palabras.
  • Font: Arial.
  • Author(s): Maximum 6 authors. Thesis advisors should not be included. Letter size 1 to 2 cm.
  • Institution: Name, department, and localtion of the institutions or university. Letter size 0.75 to 1 cm. At least one author should attend and present the poster during the poster sessions.
  • Abstract: Do not include abstract.
  • Introduction: It shows the audience the problem and the objectives.
  • Materials and Methods: Schematic content, authors can use graphics or figures in it.
  • Results and Discussion: Graphics, tables, photos, text.
  • Conclusion: Precise and clear conclusions, and they should be short and numerated.
  • Title Letter is specified in the template. It should not include subtitltes nor question marks.
  • En cuanto a las conclusiones deben aparecer las más importantes, breves y numeradas.
  • References: Maximum 3.


The document should be a Microsoft PowerPoint document (.pptx). Font should be 12-points Times New Roman.

An example of a poster can be downloaded here.
PowerPoint (.pptx) template can be downloaded here.