What is 2016 UHE?

Scientific and technological development is currently recognized as part of the human and social organization. Nowadays, addressing the nature-society relationship is of great importance because it tries to explain the behavior of humanity due to scientific and technological advances. Although they have made a big leap in the accumulation of human knowledge, they have also led us to the accelerated destruction and the irrational appropriation of the environment.

“…while science and technology do bring us numerous positive benefits, they also carry with them certain negative impacts, some of which were perhaps unforeseeable, but all of which reflect the values, views, and visions of those in a position to make decisions regarding the scientific and technical expertise within their domain.”. (Cutcliffe, 1990, in Ideas, Machines, and Values: An Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society Studies, p. 9-10).

XXI century has begun with a high level of development that had never been achieved before by science and technology. This has made significant changes in today's society. We voluntarily are responsible for this change, and for pursuing growth objectives. Consequently, universities, as society's strategic centers, have to analyze the science-technology-society relationship to provide alternatives solutions focused on stable, dynamic and healthy systems. Current education should also include the basic functions of research and service, and consider technology as the most powerful, innovative, and changing agent in society.

Therefore, the First International Congress and Third National Congress 2016 2016 University, Health, and Environment: Innovation for Sustainable Development (UHE) offers it offers a forum for reflection, and how the central role of Universities is importat for local development, training processes, and technology, information and knowledge transfer.


  • Provide unique crossroads for a diverse community of researchers, developers, creators, educators, and practitioners focused on Science, Technology, and Society (STS).
  • Disseminate scientific and technological research generated by universities.
  • Link teaching, research, and technology to the productive sector.
  • Exchange experiences in research and innovation.

Thematic areas:

  • Emerging technologies
  • Engineering and Environmental Science
  • Sustainable Development
  • Engineering
  • Health
  • Information and communications technology (ICT)
  • Society
  • Tourism
  • Small and Medium-size Enterprises (SMEs)