Precongress workshops

[CAC] Workshop: Automation of Hydroponics

  • Objective: Learn the basics of automation of hydroponics to strengthening socio-productive projects aimed at strengthening food sovereignty.
  • Instructors: Madaín Pérez Patricio, Ph.D. and Raúl Paredes Trinidad, M.Eng.
  • Date: September 26 - 30.
  • Schedule: 09:00 to 14:00 hours and 16:00 to 20:00 hours.
  • Maximum number of participants: 25 participants.
  • Place: Instituto Tecnológico de Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, Mexico.
  • Materials: Materials are going to be given the day of the course.
  • Cost: $200 MXN.

[CCC] Workshop: Climate change and Water Quality

  • Objective: Learn the main effects of climate change on water quality and its impact on human health.
  • Instructors: Daisy Escobar Castillejos, Ph.D. and Hugo Alejandro Guillén Trujillo, Ph.D.
  • Date: September 28 - 30.
  • Schedule: 09:00 to 14:00 hours and 16:00 to 20:00 hours.
  • Maximum number of participants: 25 participants.
  • Place: Facultad de Ingeniería - Laboratorio de Calidad del Agua, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, Mexico.
  • Materials: Materials are going to be given the day of the course.
  • Cost: $120 MXN

[CAL] Workshop: Introduction to Animal Testing

  • Objective: Learn the basic and ethical principles of animal testing in the development of new plant-based drugs, and understand the sustainable vision behind this practice, which could benefit health and environmental.
  • Instructors: José del Carmen Rejón Orantes, Ph.D.
  • Date: September 26 - 28.
  • Schedule: 17:00 a 20:00 hours.
  • Maximum number of participants: 20 participants.
  • Place: Facultad de Medicina Humana, UNACH, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, Mexico.
  • Materials: Lab coat, notebook, pencil.
  • Cost: $250 MXN (students $110 MXN).