2016 UHE - Pricing

The access payment to 2016 UHE should be done to the Banamex card account: 4766-8404-9096-6293. Payment must cover the type of access you choose (See the pricing chart below). After payment is fulfilled, a copy of the transaction should be sent to the email congreso-universidad@unach.mx. In this mail, the name of the participant or author should be also stated in the body of the email.

  • General Public
  • $ 50.00 MXN
  • Access to the 2016 UHE
  • Participation constancy
  • Students
  • $ 100.00 MXN
  • *Student ID
  • Access to the 2016 UHE
  • 2016 UHE kit
  • Participation certificate
  • Institucional
  • $ 100.00 MXN
  • Authors, Professors or Students
  • Access to the 2016 UHE
  • 2016 UHE kit
  • Participation certificate
  • Authors
  • $ 300.00 MXN
  • Publication in the Proceedings of 2016 UHE
  • Access to the 2016 UHE
  • 2016 UHE kit
  • Participation certificate

In case you choose the institutional option. The email that you're going to send to congreso-universidad@unach.mx have to include a copy of the payment transaction, a copy of your institutional ID (professor or student), and the name of the participant.